Lukas C. Faulstich, Ulf Leser und Anke Lüdeling. Storing and Querying Historical Texts in a Relational Database. Informatik-Bericht Nr.176 des Instituts für Informatik der Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Februar 2005Interesting to see they are using SQL to power this project.
Lukas C. Faulstich, Ulf Leser und Thorsten Vitt. Implementing a Linguistic Query Language for Historic Texts. Query Languages and Query Processing (QLQP-2006): 11th Intl. Workshop on Foundations of Models and Languages for Data and Objects (FMLDO), 2006.
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
Projekt DeutschDiachronDigital
Alain suggests that Projekt DeutschDiachronDigital is involved in some interesting efforts that might be related to some work we are doing. There are a number of useful papers on the project's publication list, including